Lice Comb-Small

Stainless Steel Hair Lice Comb Brush Remove Ticks Slow Children fine tooth chip flee metal nit head lice hair comb Anti-Lice

Brand: N/A SKU: WEB-4409
13 reviews


  • Material The lice comb is made of good quality plastic, and stainless steel, smooth and this comb will not rust or corrode and is easy to clean.
  • KIND TO HAIR The rounded shape of the metal bristles allows the hair to glide easily between them without painful and unpleasant pulling while effectively removing hair from nits.
  • HIGHLY EFFECTIVE The metal bristles are spaced tightly so that each strand of hair can be carefully inspected, which provides maximum nitcueillage.
  • EASY TO CLEAN Simply wash the comb with warm water and antiseptic disinfectant after use and store once thoroughly dry.
  • PERFECT FOR ANY HAIR TYPE:The comb works easily and perfectly for long and short hair, thin and thick, dry and wet hair. Can be used for children, adults and pets.

Classic metal comb to remove lice and eggs. Lice is a medical problem that needs to be taken seriously to keep your child healthy. To avoid the presence of lice, comb the child's hair regularly and carefully. This comb is made of stainless steel.Instructions Before combing, wash hair thoroughly. Comb the hair from the scalp to the tips, a little hair at a time. Repeat combing to completely remove lice eggs. Clean the comb with warm water and soap. Do not boil the comb.

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