

  • Rounded stainless steel teeth with adjustable combing angles.
  • Compact and ergonomic.
  • Easy to clean.
Brand: v-comb SKU: WEB-283
20 reviews


ඔබගේ හිසේ ඇති උකුනන් වැනි සතුන් ඉතා පහසුවෙන් හා ඉක්මනින් 100% ඉවත් කරගන්න.... මෙන්න නියම විසදුම V-Comb..... 
මෙය ඕනැම කෙනෙකුට වයස් භේදයකින් තොරව භාවිතා කලහැකි නිෂ්පාදනයකි.

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ඔබ කල යුත්තේ මුලින් ගැටගැසී ඇති හිසකෙස් පීරා ගෙන ,. සාමාන්‍ය පනාවකින් හිස පීරණ ආකාරයට මෙම උපකරණයෙන් ඔබගේ හිස පීරීම පමණි..මෙමගින් ඔබගේ හිසේ සිටිනා උකුණන් සහ ලේඩීන් පහසුවෙන් ඉවත් කරගත හැකිය....

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Product Details 

  1. Introducing the most technologically advanced and easy to use natural lice treatment in the market today. You will no longer have to subject your family to chemical or pesticides found in lice shampoo or other lice treatments for head lice removal. Simple and user-friendly, the V-Comb is a reusable and allergy-free head lice comb for both children and adults. This gentle, yet effective, treatment is safe for home use and eliminates both head lice and their eggs (nits) without the need for harmful chemicals or special lice shampoos. While other treatments for head lice, like chemical shampoos and electric zapping combs, are more dangerous for young children and harsh on the skin and scalp, the V-Comb uses its rounded, stainless steel-toothed comb and suction power to smoothly run across the scalp and gently lift lice and eggs.
  2. Chemical free treatment.
  3. Detects lice early to keep an infestation from spreading.
  4. Smooth and gentle on scalp.
  5. Product Dimensions: 5.51 x 3.15 x 6.69 inches
  6. V-Comb Teeth Size: Approx. 2x0.63 inch
  7. Input Rating: 240VAC 50-60Hz.
  8. Operating Temperature/Humidity: 5~40/RH 15%~93%.
  9. 4* Disposable Capture Filters










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